
8 Nutritious (& Delicious) Ways to Boost Your Immunity with Mother Earth Products

8 Nutritious (& Delicious) Ways to Boost Your Immunity with Mother Earth Products

Remember a time when the sole reason for choosing a meal was because it tasted good? Well, one global pandemic later, our mentality about food has changed, as we're now judging a meal not just by its taste but also by its nutritional value. Things get more intense around flu season when every bite should be worth its weight in immunity-boosting gold. So, to help you stay in flu-fighting shape this winter, we rounded up our eight go-to recipes for boosting immunity with Mother Earth Products.


1. Strawberry Pineapple Smoothie

A blend of strawberries, pineapple, and almond milk, this smoothie is the most nutritious way to start your day. Add a tablespoon or two of almond butter for an extra boost of healthy fats and creaminess.



  1. Add the strawberries and pineapple to a bowl and fill with enough water to coat. Soak for 15 minutes. Once hydrated, strain, squeeze away excess liquid, and transfer to a blender. Add all the remaining ingredients and blend until smooth. Serve immediately.

2. Muffin-Tin Omelettes with Zucchini & Feta

Perfect for busy mornings, these bite-sized omelets can be made in no time. Just prepare the batter a day in advance and bake them first thing in the morning. The egg-zucchini-feta combo also gives you a hefty boost of fiber, protein, and healthy fats that'll keep you energized.



  1.  Preheat the oven to 325oF and grease a muffin tin with cooking spray.
  2. Whisk eggs, cheese, and milk in a bowl until combined. Add all the remaining ingredients and mix well to combine.
  3. Divide the batter equally among the muffin cups. Bake for 25-30 minutes. Remove from the oven, let cool, and enjoy. If you won't devour them on the spot, keep them in the fridge for a couple of days or freeze them for up to a month.


3. Sweet & Sour Cauliflower Bites

While cauliflower may not be your first snack choice, coating it in sweet and sour sauce will change your mind forever. For a potato chip-like experience, cook the florets in an air fryer instead of an oven. Their crispiness will make them even more irresistible.


  • 1 1/2 cups freeze dried cauliflower pearls
  • 2 eggs
  • 1/2 cup all-purpose flour
  • 3 tbsp granulated sugar
  • 1 tbsp soy sauce
  • 1 tsp Sriracha sauce
  • 1 tbsp cornstarch
  • 1 tbsp tomato paste
  • 1/4 cup apple cider vinegar


  1. Add the cauliflower and 3 cups of warm water to a microwave bowl and soak for 15 minutes. Once hydrated, strain and squeeze away excess liquid. Transfer back to the bowl and microwave for 2 minutes.
  2. Preheat the oven or air fryer to 400°F. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper if you're using the oven.
  3. Add the eggs and flour to two separate bowls. Beat the eggs and dunk each floret into the flour, then into the egg, and finally into the flour again. Transfer the florets to the air fryer basket or onto the baking sheet and cook for 7-10 minutes. Once cooked, transfer to a large bowl.
  4. Meanwhile, add the remaining ingredients in a small pan, mix to combine, and boil over medium heat. Remove from the heat and pour over the cauliflower florets. Toss to coat, let cool for a while, and serve.

4. Trail Mix

There is a rumor that dried and freeze dried fruits contain more sugar than candy bars. But the truth is it all lies in the added sugar. Mother Earth Products doesn't stand by the added-sugar philosophy. So, you can rest assured that you won't consume empty calories if you snack on the following trail mix recipe. On the contrary, you'll boost your immune system just in time for winter.



Add all the ingredients to a bowl and toss to combine. Store in an airtight container for up to a week.


Black Bean Chicken Soup

Chicken soup has a reputation for being the ultimate immunity-boosting meal. While no scientific data supports this theory, experts(1) agree that the dish is rich in nutrients like protein, zinc, and vitamin C. In this version, black beans add a little fiber to the mix, creating a well-balanced lunch for boosting immunity with Mother Earth Products.



  1. Add the chicken bits and 2 cups of warm water to a bowl and soak for 15 minutes. Once hydrated, strain and squeeze away excess liquid. Set aside.
  2. Heat the olive oil in a large pot over medium heat. Add the onion and peppers and sauté for 2-3 minutes. Stir in the oregano, chili, salt, and pepper, and cook for another minute.
  3. Pour in the broth and beans and bring to a boil. Reduce the heat to low and cook for 20 minutes. Then, add the chicken and cook for another 10 minutes until the beans and chicken are fork-tender. Remove from the heat and serve.

Beef & Broccoli Fried Rice

Fried rice is often synonymous with takeout, but in this family-approved makeover, the recipe is easy to make at home and nourishing enough to fall back on during the flu season. You can thank beef and broccoli for the nutrient boost, while soy and a touch of chili powder keep things interesting for your taste buds.



  1. Add the broccoli and beef to a bowl and fill with enough water to coat. Soak for 15 minutes. Once hydrated, strain the water and squeeze away excess liquid. Set aside.
  2. Meanwhile, cook the rice. Rinse the rice under cold running water until the water is clear. Add the rice and 3 cups of water to a pot and turn the heat to medium. Bring to a boil, lower the heat to low, cover with a lid, and simmer for 15 minutes or until all the water is absorbed. Remove from the heat and let the rice steam for another 15 minutes. Remove the lid, let cool for 5 minutes, and fluff the rice with a fork.
  3. Combine the soy sauce, garlic, sugar, and chili in a small bowl. Set aside.
  4. Heat 3 tablespoons of olive oil in a saucepan over medium heat. Add the broccoli-beef mixture and onions and sauté for 5 minutes. Transfer to a bowl.
  5. Heat the remaining tablespoon of the olive oil in the same saucepan and pour the eggs. Cook for about a minute until cooked through. Do not forget to stir constantly so it doesn't stick to the bottom of the pan.
  6. Add the soy mixture, rice, and broccoli-beef and cook until crispy on one side. Remove from the heat and serve.


Mango Ginger Mousse

Although this mousse is made the "wrong" way (namely, sans eggs and gelatin), it still tastes phenomenal and has an amazingly creamy texture. The mango-ginger duo also sneaks in a bunch of vitamins and minerals into dessert time while conjuring up images of the tropics. Talk about a one-of-a-kind dessert!



  1. Add the mango and 3 cups of warm water to a bowl and soak for 15 minutes. Once hydrated, strain the water and squeeze away excess liquid. Transfer to a blender, add the remaining ingredients, and puree until smooth.
  2. Divide the mousse into 4 ramekins and chill for at least one hour. Garnish with basil leaves and serve.

Sweet Potato Chocolate Truffles

It's easy to think that desserts and nutrients don't mix since most sweets are empty calories. But this recipe packs a mean immunity-boosting kick thanks to sweet potatoes. Cocoa powder makes the treat even tastier and sneaks in a few antioxidants on its own.


  • 1 cup dried sweet potatoes
  • 1 cup almond flour
  • 6 Medjool dates, pitted
  • 2 tbsp cocoa powder
  • 2/3 cup desiccated coconut


  1. Add the sweet potatoes and dates to a bowl. Fill with enough warm water to coat. Soak for 20 minutes. Strain the water, squeeze away excess liquid, and transfer to a food processor. Blend for one minute.
  2. Stir in the almond flour, cocoa powder, and 1/2 cup coconut. Mix to combine.
  3. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and roll the mixture into balls. Coat them with the remaining coconut. Arrange the truffles on the baking sheet and chill in the fridge for an hour.

Do you have any recipes for boosting immunity with Mother Earth Products? If so, let us know in the comments down below!


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  • Branden Evans
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